Colonial Wars |
American Wars |
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Lt. ?? Clement reports that Chief Joseph Brant has effected a very good piece of service and is advancing against the rebel frontier. On his march from hence he came upon the only remaining Indian village of the Oneidas, sixteen miles from Fort Schuyler. He found the village abandoned, but met some Indians who told him they had returned through fear of parties of strange Indians, with many other particulars in which it appeared they had deceived him, for they soon deserted and gave notice to the garrison at Fort Schuyler. Brant then burnt the rebel fort at the village with other buildings and marched to the Indians below Fort Schuyler, where he met the Oneidas in camp and called upon them to follow the example of the rest of their people and return to the British government. About 100 replied that it was their desire and they are not partly come to this place [Niagara].
The small remainder ran towards Fort Schuyler, which they reached, except two, who were shot. [Again:] Lieut. Clement reports that Captain Brant has burnt and destroyed the Oneida village, Conowaroharie, with the rebel fort and village, and retired somewhat to deceive the enemy. They proceeded to the Mohawk River with about 300 Indians
On August 2, they had arrived at the settlement called Kley' s Barrack around 10:00 A.M., which having reconnoitred, he and the chief warriors thought proper to detach David Karacanty with the greater part of the Indians to make a detour and suddenly attack Fort Plank [Fort Plain], while Joseph and the remainder should come on directly and prevent any scattering parties from taking shelter in the fort. In this they were disappointed by the too great eagerness of the Indians to take prisoners, who scattered and alarmed the settlement, by which a considerable number of men got into the fort, which made the attack inexpedient, as it was well fortified and had 2 pieces of cannon mounted. Disappointed they advanced to the upper part of the settlement, where the rebels had a fort at the house of Hendrick Walrod, which they abandoned. This was immediately burned, and scattering, the Indians destroyed the houses till they came to Elias Map' s, where they had another picketed fort, which they likewise burned.
The extent of the settlement destroyed was on the Mohawk River in length 2 miles and above 5 miles in breadth, and containing 100 houses, 2 mills, a church, and 2 forts. They took and killed 300 black cattle and 200 horses, besides hogs, poultry, etc., and destroyed a considerable quantity of grain of different kinds. The number of rebels killed and prisoners amounts to about 45.
Brant released a number of women and children and having effected this he retired to Butler' s Mills about three days since. With the greater part of the Indians he intends to pay the Americans another visit before their return, for which purpose they have divided into seven parties. These detachments marched by separate routes against German Flats, Schoharie and Cherry Valley, where they took many prisoners, destroyed dwellings, and created intense alarm.
See also The Story of Old Fort Plain and the Middle Mohawk Valley by Nelson Greene