Revolutionary War Battles for the Year 1776

= American Victory
= British Victory
= Draw
/ (X) = Occupied Without Fight
Bold - without link or (X) means an notable event occured and not a battle
1st- 2nd, Norfolk (First), Virginia
5th, Haddrell's Point, South Carolina
8th, Charlestown, Massachusetts
12th, Sullivan's Island, South Carolina
12th-14th, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
17th, Johnstown, New York
23rd, HMS Blue Mountain Valley destroyed
27th-28th, Fort Johnson, North Carolina
5th, HMS Syren vs. Hawke
10th, HMS Cruzer vs. USS America
14th, Dorchester Neck, Massachusetts
27th, Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina
1st, Cockspur Island, Georgia
2nd- 3rd, Yamacraw Bluff, South Carolina
2nd-4th, Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts
2nd-4th, Hutchinson's Island, Georgia
3rd- 4th, Nassau, Bahamas
7th, Hutchinson's Island/Savannah, Georgia
8th, Nook's Hill/Boston, Massachusetts
9th, Chariton Creek, Virginia
10th-12th, Fort Johnson, North Carolina
11th, Hutchinson's Island, Georgia
12th, HMS Raven vs. Georgia Packet
14th, Sandy Point, South Carolina
15th, Charlestown, South Carolina
21st, HMS Falcon vs. St. James
22nd, USS Comet vs. HMS General Clinton
25th, Tybee Island, Georgia
6th, Block Island, Rhode Island
17th, Virginia Coast, Virginia
MAY OF 1776
1st-3rd, Fort Johnson, North Carolina
6th, Plains of Abraham, Quebec
8th-9th, Wilmington, DE
11th, Kendal Plantation, North Carolina
11th, Orton Mill, North Carolina
12th-13th, Cockspur Island, Georgia
15th-26th, The Cedars, Montreal
17th, Nantasket Road, Massachusetts
17th, Brunswick Town, North Carolina
19th, Nantasket Road, Massachusetts
JUNE OF 1776
6th, USS Yankee Hero vs. HMS Melford
7th, Newburyport, Massachusetts
8th, Trois Rivieres (Three Rivers), Canada
14th, Sorel, Canada
16th, Chambly (Second), Quebec
24th, Isle Aux Noix, Quebec
26th, Seneca, South Carolina
28th- 29th, Sullivan's Island (First), South Carolina
JULY OF 1776
1st, Seneca, South Carolina
4th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (X)
3rd-12th, McDowell's Station, North Carolina
8th-10th, Gwynn's Island, MD
12th-18th, Tappan Sea, New York
15th, Rayborn Creek/Lyndley's Fort, South Carolina
16th, St. George's Island, MD
20th, Island Flats, TN
20th-August 2nd, Fort Caswell/Watauga, TN
21st, Dewee's Inlet, South Carolina
23rd, Occoquan Creek, Virginia
24th, Sorrel River, Quebec
??, Quaker Meadows, North Carolina
1st, Oconore, South Carolina
1st, Senecca, South Carolina
3rd, Tappan Sea, New York
7th, Portsmouth, NH
10th, Beauford (First), South Carolina
10th, Tugaloo River, South Carolina
11th, Little River, South Carolina
12th, Tomassy, South Carolina
15th, Roanoke Inlet, North Carolina
16th, Tappan Sea, New York
23rd, Long Island, New York
26th, Valley Grove, New York
27th, Long Island (First),NY
27th, Bushwick, New York
28th, Jamaica/Brookland, New York
29th-30th, Long Island, New York
6th-7th, Governor's Island, New York
6th-7th, Bald Head Island, North Carolina
15th, Kip's Bay, New York
16th, Harlem Heights, New York
19th, Coweecho River, South Carolina
21st, New York City Fire, New York
23rd, Montresor's Island, New York
11th, Valcour Island, New York
12th, Split Rock (Lake Champlain), New York
12th, Throg's Point (Neck), New York
14th, Crown Point (Second), New York
18th, Pell's Point/Eastchester, New York
18th, New Rochelle, New York
18th, Pelham Manor, New York
22nd, Mamaroneck, New York
27th, Providence, Rhode Island
28th, White Plains, New York
1st, HMS Aurora captured
7th- 29th, Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia
16th, Fort Washington, New York
16th, Fort Tryon, New York
16th, Fort George (First), New York
16th, Harlem Cove/Manhattanville, New York
16th, Cock-Hill Fort, New York
20th, Fort Lee, New Jersey
1st, New Brunswick (First), New Jersey
7th, Tappan, New York
8th, Newport, Rhode Island
13th, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
17th, Springfield (First), New Jersey
26th, Trenton (First), New Jersey
29th, Maidenhead, New Jersey